Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Summer Meeting on Energy Use and Canoeing !

Maryland Horse Council
Farm Stewardship Summer Meeting
August 14, 2014
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Headquarters
Annapolis, Maryland

Meeting Summary
Jane Thery, Chair, Maryland Horse Council Farm Stewardship Committee

            The day was quite beautiful, with a hint of fall in the air.  About twenty people attended the meeting entitled, “Energy Use on Your Horse Farm.”  Our light-filled conference room faces the Chesapeake Bay.  Jane Thery opened the session, noting that the Maryland Horse Forum had just been held and that results of the Forum would be available within the next couple of months, the next Farm Stewardship meeting will be held on October 13 and will focus on composting, and naming the eighteen horse farms now recognized under the Farm Stewardship Certification and Assessment Program (FSCAP) – well on the way to meeting the twenty horse farms goal for 2014. 

            Dan Johannes, Maryland Agriculture Coordinator of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, welcomed the group to the  Philip Merrill building which is designed for the highest level of energy efficiency.  He noted the importance of addressing energy use on horse farms and stated the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s support for the environmental awareness of the horse community. 

            Dean Fisher, Program Manager at the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA), presented his track record in matching funding sources to successful energy efficiency project on Maryland farms.  He emphasized the dissemination of “best practices” in energy savings through case studies and videos available on the MEA website.  Dean recommended energy audits to identify areas on a farm that could benefit from upgrades.  Unfortunately, these audits can cost in the thousands of dollars.  There may be funds available for reducing demands on the energy grid.  He noted that the large energy suppliers such as PEPCO, Dominion and BG & E have energy efficiency program that could be used by horse farms.  The Maryland Horse Council is looking forward to including horse farms in future MEA farm energy efficiency programs. 

            John Blackburn, Senior Principal of Blackburn Architects, presented his work on building natural light and ventilation into stable design.  He showed the group a diagram of how roof design, including roof venting, could promote updrafts in stables to provide healthy, fresh air for the horses and reduce the need for fans.  Sky lights are also added to provide light throughout the stable and to reduce the risk of electrical fires.  He also promotes the use of solar panels to generate on-farm electricity.  John has designed a series of “green stables” for a variety of climates, including low-cost options.  He noted that existing stables can undergo modifications to significantly improve their natural light and ventilation. 

            Wayne Brechtel, Senior Field Energy Consultant from SolarCity, explained how his company installs solar panels that generate energy for farms and provide energy to the existing electrical grid.  He explained that the combination of federal and state incentive programs and high-quality available technology make this an excellent time to install solar panels in Maryland.  His company will meet with potential clients and review where solar panels could be located and the saving in monthly electrical costs.  The company is fully responsible for maintaining the solar panels over their lifetime.  Agreements with the company are made with a 20 year time horizon and include energy savings over time.  One important issue for horse farms is the designation of your electrical meter as residential or commercial.  The rates are higher for commercial meters.  SolarCity is enthusiastic about offering their services to more horse farms. 

            Last but not least, about half of our group took a canoe tour of the inlet next to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation headquarters and received a briefing from Claire Cambardella on the life in the Bay and how to measure water clarity and oxygen content.  We also saw many ospreys, blue heron and native plants.  Doug Myers, the senior Chesapeake Bay Foundation scientist, joined our canoe group and noted that the main threat to the Bay is too much nitrogen and phosphorous that leads to algae blooms and die-offs which cut off oxygen and light to the natural Bay flora and fauna.  

            Many thanks to the sponsors of our refreshments, Piedmont Insurance and SolarCity, as well as the meeting host, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. 

                         Dean Fisher, Jane Thery, Dan Johannes, John Blackburn, Wayne Brechtel
                                       (Photo from the Maryland Energy Administration)

Monday, August 18, 2014

Green Mountain Technologies Horse Manure Composting System

Green Mountain Technologies, Inc (GMT) $388,310 – Although composting is not new, the in-vessel system is a closed system reducing variability of environmental factors impacting composting success. The vendor offers this as a turnkey operation and provides ongoing management support which reduces farm operator time, labor requirements and potential error. GMT proposed two individual projects for in-vessel composting:  The first is a small composter at a horse rescue facility in Howard County where nutrients and by-products will be reduced by 50 percent. GMT is in discussion to market this compost to vendors who sell planting medium for nursery production. The second project is larger and will be implemented on a dairy farm in Frederick County that also will process the offal from its turkey production and processing facility. The agricultural operation is owned and managed by Eugene Iager, who is exploring the use of the compost for dairy bedding and opportunities for marketing it. GMT operates out of Seattle, Wash., and they will use web-enabled controllers and probes to monitor temperatures and manage the composter remotely when not on site.
“Green Mountain Technologies is honored to have two projects selected by MDA. We realize that the agricultural industry must be given waste management options that are not only environmentally sustainable but also financially sustainable,” said GMT Agricultural Sales Specialist Mollie Bogardus. “We believe in furthering the market channels for the value added products created through quality composting of the waste from dairies, equine facilities and poultry sites. These grants will provide Maryland farms examples of successful composting operations.”
In January 2014, MDA issued a Request for Proposals for demonstration projects with proven and innovative technologies that manage agricultural manure and on-farm generated waste in a manner that improves its utility as a fertilizer, changes its form or function for alternative uses, or produces energy or other marketable products. The overall outcome of the technology will result in reduction of nitrogen and/or phosphorus movement to surface waters associated with animal manure produced on farms in Maryland.
Maryland’s nutrient management regulations govern the amount, timing, and placement of crop nutrients—including manure and other organic nutrient sources—on agricultural land to prevent excess nutrients from impacting waterways. To help poultry and livestock producers comply with the regulations, Maryland is supporting and investing in alternative uses for manure such as fertilizer manufacturing, composting and manure-to-energy projects, and the development of new products that add value to improve farm viability.
MDA received eight bids, which were reviewed by a six-member technical review subcommittee. The subcommittee represented diverse skill sets and backgrounds and its members were chosen from the 20-member Advisory Committee for the Animal Waste Technology Fund. Three of the recommended projects were approved by the Board of Public Works on Wednesday, August 13. An award for one additional project is expected to be made this fall, following Board of Public Works approval.
Learn more about Maryland’s sustainable policies, practices and programs at green.maryland.gov and follow us @GreenMaryland.

MDA Awards $1 Million for Innovative Manure Management Technologies

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                         CONTACT:  Julie Oberg, 410-841-5888
                                        Vanessa Orlando, 410-841-5889

MDA Awards $1 Million for Innovative Manure Management Technologies
Demonstration Projects in Howard, Frederick and Worcester Counties Recognized

POCOMOKE, MD (August 15, 2014) – The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) today awarded more than $1 million in grants for three animal waste management technology projects. MDA Secretary Buddy Hance, Maryland Energy Administration Director Abigail Ross Hopper, along with other state and local officials, joined together for a check presentation ceremony to Planet Found Energy Development and Green Mountain Technologies for implementation of their demonstration projects. The event was held at Millennium Farms in Worcester County.

“By working to reach our sustainability goals, we’ll grow our renewable energy portfolio and reduce the amount of run-off going into our precious Bay. This program is a win-win for our State,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “Investing in Maryland’s in-state renewable energy boosts our economy, ensures that we have abundant energy resources well into the future and creates more jobs and opportunity for more Marylanders.”

The O’Malley/Brown Administration’s investment in innovation led to the revitalization of the Animal Waste Technology Fund. The Fund provides incentives to companies that demonstrate new technologies on farms and provide alternative strategies for managing animal manure. These technologies generate energy from animal manure, reduce on-farm waste streams, and repurpose manure by creating marketable fertilizer and other products and by-products. MDA plans to award a total of $2 million of the $2.5 million available in FY2014. Funds not awarded during FY2014 will be added to a new round of requests for proposals to demonstrate innovative manure management technologies, totaling $3 million in FY2015.

“These projects will help farmers address challenges in managing manure under new nutrient management requirements,” said Secretary Hance. “Projects funded have the potential to increase energy independence, enhance animal waste management, improve water quality, and reduce greenhouse gases – all of which will result in advanced Chesapeake Bay restoration and help farms become sustainable.”

Today, MDA announced the first two grant awardees: 
Planet Found Energy Development (PFED) – $676,144.47 – uses an anaerobic digester linked to a nutrient recovery system to produce electricity (26 kWh plant producing an estimated 100,000 kW/yr) for parasitic load and will use net metering to send any excess electricity back to the grid. Excess heat may be used to offset propane costs for poultry house heating. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are to be partitioned into three separate fertilizer products for on-farm use or sale. The dry weight of the poultry litter is reduced by 50 percent and the fiber by-product has the potential to be re-used as poultry bedding. Millennium Farms, owned/operated by Jason and Kim Lambertson, is in Worcester County and has six poultry houses. Although pairing the two components is new, both have been proven as stand- alone systems. PFED broke ground on the anaerobic digester component of the project this spring and will use grant funds from the State to support the nutrient capture system.

“Our team at Planet Found Energy Development is excited to work with the Maryland Department of Agriculture in finding alternative ways to utilize poultry manure,” said PFED Partner Jason Lambertson. “Our partnership the first step in helping the agricultural community use a current resource as renewable energy while reducing key nutrients that have a great impact on the future of the poultry industry in Maryland. We welcome this opportunity to be a part of a solution.”

Green Mountain Technologies, Inc (GMT) – $388,310 – Although composting is not new, the in-vessel system is a closed system reducing variability of environmental factors impacting composting success. The vendor offers this as a turnkey operation and provides ongoing management support which reduces farm operator time, labor requirements and potential error. GMT proposed two individual projects for in-vessel composting:  The first is a small composter at a horse rescue facility in Howard County where nutrients and by-products will be reduced by 50 percent. GMT is in discussion to market this compost to vendors who sell planting medium for nursery production. The second project is larger and will be implemented on a dairy farm in Frederick County that also will process the offal from its turkey production and processing facility. The agricultural operation is owned and managed by Eugene Iager, who is exploring the use of the compost for dairy bedding and opportunities for marketing it. GMT operates out of Seattle, Wash., and they will use web-enabled controllers and probes to monitor temperatures and manage the composter remotely when not on site.

“Green Mountain Technologies is honored to have two projects selected by MDA. We realize that the agricultural industry must be given waste management options that are not only environmentally sustainable but also financially sustainable,” said GMT Agricultural Sales Specialist Mollie Bogardus. “We believe in furthering the market channels for the value added products created through quality composting of the waste from dairies, equine facilities and poultry sites. These grants will provide Maryland farms examples of successful composting operations.”

In January 2014, MDA issued a Request for Proposals for demonstration projects with proven and innovative technologies that manage agricultural manure and on-farm generated waste in a manner that improves its utility as a fertilizer, changes its form or function for alternative uses, or produces energy or other marketable products. The overall outcome of the technology will result in reduction of nitrogen and/or phosphorus movement to surface waters associated with animal manure produced on farms in Maryland.
Maryland’s nutrient management regulations govern the amount, timing, and placement of crop nutrients—including manure and other organic nutrient sources—on agricultural land to prevent excess nutrients from impacting waterways. To help poultry and livestock producers comply with the regulations, Maryland is supporting and investing in alternative uses for manure such as fertilizer manufacturing, composting and manure-to-energy projects, and the development of new products that add value to improve farm viability.

MDA received eight bids, which were reviewed by a six-member technical review subcommittee. The subcommittee represented diverse skill sets and backgrounds and its members were chosen from the 20-member Advisory Committee for the Animal Waste Technology Fund. Three of the recommended projects were approved by the Board of Public Works on Wednesday, August 13. An award for one additional project is expected to be made this fall, following Board of Public Works approval.

Learn more about Maryland’s sustainable policies, practices and programs at green.maryland.gov and follow us @GreenMaryland.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Energy and Your Horse Farm Meeting Agenda

Maryland Horse Council
Farm Stewardship Meeting
Thursday, August 14, 2014, Noon to 3:00 pm
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Headquarters

Energy Use on Your Horse Farm

Welcome and Introductions
Jane Thery, Chair
 Maryland Horse Council Farm Stewardship Committee

Energy Use and the Environment
Dan Johannes, Maryland Agriculture Coordinator
Chesapeake Bay Foundation

Energy Efficiency Options and Programs
Dean Fisher, Program Manager
Maryland Energy Administration

Natural Energy Through Stable Design
John Blackburn, Senior Principal
Blackburn Architects

Solar Energy Options
Wayne Brechtel, Senior Field Energy Consultant

Canoeing !!

Special thanks to our host and canoeing partners, The Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and to Piedmont Insurance and SolarCity for the fine refreshments.