Stewardship Committee
May 23, 2013
grass was green for our fourth Farm Stewardship meeting hosted by University of Maryland
equine specialist and committee vice chair Amy Burk at her rotational pasture
demonstration farm in Ellicott City ,
Maryland . A dedicated group overcame the threat of rain
and gathered to discuss current issues to achieve land stewardship’s goals of
contributing to healthy horses and a healthy environment in Maryland .
Thery, the committee chair, opened the meeting with an overview of the group’s
priorities of promoting a voice for the equestrian community in state-wide
policy discussions on the environment; getting more recognition for the
positive contribution of land management of the 527,000 acres in Maryland horse
farms; linking technical and financial assistance to horse farm needs; staying
ahead of the curve on farm management technologies and regulations and;
promoting the Maryland Farm Stewardship and Certification and Assessment
Program (FSCAP) administered by the Maryland Association of Soil Conservation
Districts (MASCD).
Talbert, FSCAP Project Leader, shared the good news that we now have nine horse
farms in the program – adding two new farms since our winter meeting, Linda
Santomenna’s Blue Waters Farm in Chesapeake City and Michael Rubin’s Breezy
Hill Farm in Boyds, for a total of 1,055 acres in six counties. He also described MASCD’s new Pollinator
Habitat Project that provides expensive seeds to farms to increase native vegetation
that attracts pollinators and noted that there was a surprisingly strong demand
for the project.
also gave a summary of the recently-passed Maryland Agricultural Certainty Bill
(SB 1029). The program will allow certified
farmers who voluntarily implement advanced best management practices to conduct
their business without additional regulations for ten years. After ten years, farmers will have to be in
full compliance with regulations at the time.
An Oversight Committee to help draft the program regulations will be
selected by Agricultural Secretary Buddy Hance. The group discussed possible
Maryland Horse Council representatives to serve on this committee including
Jane Seigler, Steuart Pittman and Carolyn Krome. Resumes need to go to Secretary Buddy Hance, 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway , Annapolis , MD 21401
and Gloria Chambers at but June 1.
concerns raised about this program were potential new fees for farm
assessments, information on what best management practices it would include,
access to technical and financial assistance from state and county governments,
nutrient trading benefits and the relationship between the program and FSCAP. Representatives from the Chesapeake Bay
Foundation which is a partner in the FSCAP program, described their role in
supporting the agricultural community and willingness to help provide
information. They pointed out that one
benefit of participating in Agricultural Certainty program was an opportunity
to observe the impact of the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load Plan
requirements on a farm over the critical ten year period from 2014 – 2024. Ideas
floated for how to get better information out to our community included more contact
with Soil Conservation District equine specialists, University of Maryland
webinars explaining the program, web-based frequently asked questions on the
program as it evolves, more information in the Equiery and identification of
speakers who could address horse community groups. This
new program will be on the agenda of our summer farm stewardship committee.
Krome of Persimmon Tree Farm, the first horse farm certified in FSCAP, opened the discussion on the idea of a special
recognition of horse farms that implement advanced environmental
practices. She described the practices
she has put in place with technical and financial assistance from existing
government programs, including wildlife habitat with native plants and MASCD’s
Pollinator Habitat Project. She
described her pastures as well-mown and healthy. She will be working on the criteria for
special awards to horse farms for their extraordinary farm stewardship.
Thery closed the meeting thanking our sponsor, Piedmont Insurance and its
representative Matt Curran for the fine refreshments and announcing the summer
farm stewardship meeting will be held at the FSCAP-certified farm, Sagamore.
meeting was followed by a wonderful pasture walk and seminar on growing healthy
pastures organized by Amy for the University
of Maryland extension