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Farm Stewardship Meeting
February 18, 2013
Winter Farm Stewardship Committee Meeting
Contributing to Healthy Horses and a Healthy Environment in Maryland
Monday, February 18th
(Presidents' Day)
3:00-5:30 pm
Wyndham Oaks, LLC
Barn Tour, Presentations, Networking and Refreshments
Welcome: JANE THERY, Chair, Farm Stewardship Committee
Update on University of Maryland Equine Programs:
Maryland Farm Stewardship Certification and Assessment Program Update:
Certified Farm Experience:
Composting Options for Horse Farms ...
What's New in Composting:
Composting in Maryland - Opportunities and Challenges:
BRENDA PLATT, Director, Composting Makes $en$e Project, Institute for Local Self Reliance
Light Refreshments Provided by Our Meeting Sponsor: The Piedmont Group
Note: The Entrance to Wyndham Oaks Farm is directly across from Moore Road
Contact: Jane Thery ... theryjane@gmail.com
The program is free for members of the Maryland Horse Council. Others wishing to attend are encouraged to join the Maryland Horse Council to take advantage of programs and resources in support of our horse community!